Saturday, December 10, 2016

Women and Men are Equally Different

Go back to a simpler time, say, during cavepeople time. I’m not an anthropologist, so I’m expressing my general knowledge in this article. Cavewomen and men had roles to ensure the survival of their

Cavewomen had to be aware of multiple things to keep their children safe from the many natural dangers around them. They were left at the home front to find solutions to maintain the health of their children, to keep them warm, fed, and educated about survival. They also planned for future events.

Cavemen, able to intimidate with their size and strength, were built to protect and to be singularly focused when hunting. If they didn’t focus their attention during a hunt or a battle, they’d lose and
usually more than just their ego.

Even though we’ve evolved (or at least most of us), our natural core really hasn’t. Somewhere along the way it became popular opinion that women were “weaker” than men, not “different.” I have no idea why that thinking has been slow to evolve. Of course I’m speaking generally, recognizing this thought process is still considered true, just look at the statistics of women being paid less than men for the same job, as if women were less valuable.

Good employers recognize differences in men and women, not as a positive or a negative, but a fact. Women and men will never be the same, it’s biologically impossible. But, they can do the same job and have equal success. Might they take different approaches? Yep, but so would two people, for the fact that they are separate people with separate brains.

So the inherent skills of a woman are still intact from the days of the caves. Moms today, still use their ancient skills by being aware of their surroundings, connecting to the unspoken emotions of those around them, and projecting the feeling that things will be taken care of, even if a rock slide is heading their way.

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